I am extending the fundraiser through Sunday in hopes of
reaching my goal of $1000 for Nana!!
I am more than half way there with only $410 needed to reach $1000.
Please consider donating and enter to win one of these prizes!
Your generosity and kindness will make a difference
in this little girl's life!!!

I am so excited to announce a giveaway for Nana's adoption fundraiser! It's the holiday season so we could all use a chance to win great prizes and help to save an orphan too! All of the orphans listed here deserve to have a forever family rather than a short life in a mental institution.
If you donate to Nana's Angel Tree here (make sure to click on "Angel Tree" and donate to Nana for it to go toward the Angel Tree Fundraiser) or share this post with your friends you will be entered into a drawing to win one of these great prizes:
Kodak ZX3 Playsport Waterproof 1080p HD Video Camera
With 4x Digital Zoom & HDMI Connectivity!
You choose the color (blue or black)
This is a factory refurbished camera
This is a factory refurbished camera
Super Soft Fleece Hello Kitty Blanket
56" x 42"
Super Soft Fleece Cars Blanket
56" x 42"
Six Adorable Bows for any sweet little girly girl
Fabulous Photo Board to Display Family Pictures
Saying on board can be customized with a name, scripture or another phrase if you like or left as it is in picture.
$10 donation = 1 entry
$25 donation = 3 entries
$35 donation = 5 entries + an ornament with a picture of Nana on it!
Copy this link to your Facebook page or blog to get a free or extra entry into the drawing.
Once you have donated or shared this link, please comment below telling me that you donated and how much and/or where you copied this post. You must leave a comment to enter the drawing.
The goal of the Angel Tree is for me to raise $1000 by December 31st for Nana's adoption. However, the cost of her adoption will be over $30,000 and I would love to raise more than $1000 to help her forever family, whoever they may be. Her "Angel Tree" donations from Nov 1st are $408.92!!!! That is almost half of my goal and her adoption grant is currently at a total of $2,518.82...oh how I would love that number to go up to $5,000 or higher!!
This fundraiser will end on December 10th (two weeks from today). I know that we can raise over $1000 in two weeks. Please know that every~single~dollar counts. If you cannot give $35 or $25 or $10, can you give $5 or even $1? I will hold the drawing on December 11th and even better...I will allow you (in order of name drawn) to pick your prize! The first name drawn gets first pick...and so on!
If I get any additional prizes/donations during the next two weeks I will add those in as well.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For reading this post. For sharing this post. For donating. For praying.