Well, tonight I have inspiration. I just received a touching comment on my blog from a complete stranger. In fact, she is a teenager who felt moved to let me know that she appreciates what I have done for Nana. Friends, I needed that message from her. Trust me, I needed it. Over the past two months I have loved that child and wondered why no one else loves her. This young woman has been praying for Nana, blogging about Nana and raising money for her for much longer than I have. I can tell that she, also, loves Nana. I believe that she was inspired by the Holy Spirit to send me that message tonight, because I needed it.
This month, January, is the month that Nana was born...3 years ago. January 2009. I do not know the day of her birth, but I have told her Happy Birthday every day this month so that I will not miss it. If only I could tell her in person.
This beautiful child is 3 years old this month. Though, no one is celebrating. The glorious day of her birth has never been celebrated on Earth, but I'm certain that God celebrates her every day.
No cake in three years.
No presents in three years.
No party in three years.
No family in three years.
I weep at these words as I type them.
I just took a moment to think about what I was doing in January of 2009 when Nana was born. Wow. I just surprised myself. I remember clearly that in January 2009, my husband and I decided that we would add another child to our family. In October 2009, we had Logan. Wow. What a significant connection to me.
My Christmas Warrior duties are over, but the need to advocate and raise funds for Nana is not. I am going to ask, once again, for donations to Nana's fund. Celebrate her birthday with me. Give her the gift that she so deserves. A family. I yearn for this to be her last birthday as an orphan. I pray that next January her family will throw her an amazing 4th birthday party that will make up for all of the birthdays that she spent in the orphanage...not even knowing that it was a special day.
I have faith. Sometimes its only that of a mustard seed. But I have faith.
Happy Birthday Nana. You are loved. I hope that you feel that love someday. I pray that you meet your Mommy and Daddy soon.
If you are able to, will you give Nana a birthday present this month? A $5 present. A $10 present. A $20 present. A prayer that this will be her last birthday as an orphan.
Please visit Nana's page here and give if you are able to. I would love to see her grant grow over $4000, over $5000 or more. What a way to celebrate her birthday and her life.